Food And Flix
So, i can understand the grief over blades active, easily. But i have 3 counterarguments against all the whiners.
1. The passive is 5% of CURRENT HP, in PHYSICAL damage. Build armor instead of 5 warmogs, youll be fine.
2. Active is 15% in PHYSICAL damage of MAX hp. Fairly overpowered maybe reduce the damage to 10% riot. Also, again, build armor.
3. Steals 30% of movespeed for 3 seconds, dont play udyr and expect to stick to everyone (aka pick someone with gapclosers not movespeed.)
Now i also agree that it is fairly annoying but not overpowered. Heres my supposed fixes, that will make it less powerful, but not comepletely and totally useless as in this thread. ( )
1. Reduce stolen movespeed on active to 15-20%
2.Lower damage on active to 10% or make the 15% of current hp.
3. (optional instead of 1) Do not steal movespeed, but simply gain an additional 40 or so movespeed.
I dont really expect anyone to agree with me, since most people simply hate BoRK and want it hit with the olaf callibur nerf hammer, but i still think that adcs need some time of kiting, (blue ezreal doesnt count people.) because adcs such as Varus, MF, and Kogmaw dont have escapes. So they need something to help them kite.
Did Bork Ever Deal Max Hp Dmg Free
World Boss Max Damage Guide Introduction. In this guide, we will discuss everything from the basic of World Boss fights to the complete information on World Bosses. You will learn how to deal max amount of damage and how to improve your damage output with your team. World Boss Basic. World Boss spawns every day at 5:00 pm server time.