Feb 17, 2017 Conan Exiles is a big game, with a lot going on, so it's easy to find yourself in a position where you're just not sure what's happening. We're here to fix that, as we have listed some of the. Explosive Arrow is a bow attack skill that fires an arrow which sticks to an enemy or wall and detonates after a duration, dealing fire area of effect damage. Any additional arrows stuck to the enemy after the first one will add its damage to the explosion.
- Conan Exiles Use An Explosive
- Conan Exiles Exploding Arrows
- Conan Exiles Explosive Arrows Building Dmg Download
- Conan Exiles Explosive Arrows Building Damage
Feb 13, 2017
A comprehensive list of all Conan Exiles Item ID's.
Warning: You can check out the guide Conan Exiles - Server Admin Console Commands List for more tips & tricks!
Base Ingredients / Resources
- 10001 - Stone
- 10005 - Bark
- 10011 - Wood
- 10012 - Branch
- 10021 - Bone
- 10022 - Undead Dragonbone
- 10023 - Undead Dragonhorn
- 11001 - Ironstone
- 11011 - Coal
- 11051 - Crystal
- 11052 - Silver
- 11501 - Iron Bar
- 11502 - Steel Bar
- 11551 - Glass
- 12001 - Plant Fiber
- 12003 - Gossamer
- 12011 - Hide
- 12012 - Thick Hide
- 12511 - Leather
- 12512 - Thick Leather
- 12513 - Silk
- 12514 - Ichor
- 13001 - Feral Flesh
- 13002 - Savoury Flesh
- 13003 - Exotic Flesh
- 13015 - Seeds
- 13051 - Human Flesh
- 13052 - Eyes of Innocence
- 14001 - Aloe Leaves
- 14101 - Serpent Venom Gland
- 14102 - Sand Reaper Toxin Gland
- 14151 - Yellow Lotus Blossom
- 14171 - Brimstone
- 14172 - Tar
- 14173 - Steelfire
- 14174 - Twine
- 14175 - Dead Woman's Hair
- 14181 - Tomb Dust
- 14182 - Demon Blood
- 14183 - Dragonpowder
- 15001 - Human Heart
- 15002 - Unblemished Human Meat
- 15003 - Lingering Essence
- 15501 - Heart of a Hero
- 15502 - Ancient Rhino Horn
- 16001 - Stone Consolidant
- 16002 - Iron Reinforcement
- 16003 - Steel Reinforcement
- 16004 - Steel Reinforcement
- 16005 - Iron Bar
- 16011 - Brick
- 16012 - Hardened Brick
- 16021 - Shaped Wood
- 13011 - Shaleback Egg
- 13012 - Fat Grub
- 13013 - Handful of Insects
- 13014 - Small Scorpion
- 13501 - Shredded Roast
- 13502 - Grilled Steak
- 13503 - Roasted Haunch
- 13505 - Grilled Steak
- 13509 - Roasted Haunch
- 13540 - Gruel
- 13550 - Devil's Bonemeal
- 13597 - Spoiled Gruel
- 13598 - Rotten Devil's Bonemeal
- 13599 - Putrid Meat
- 13601 - Arena Ritual Offering
- 30001 - Scrawled Note
- 30002 - Leather Journal
- 30003 - Prayer to Hanuman
- 30004 - Scribbled Note
- 30005 - Torn Parchment
- 30006 - Razma's Journal #1
- 30007 - Razma's Journal #2
- 30008 - Razma's Journal #3
- 30009 - Razma's Journal #4
- 30010 - Razma's Journal #5
- 30011 - Razma's Journal #6
- 30012 - Razma's Journal #7
- 30013 - Razma's Journal #8
- 30014 - Etched Note
- 30015 - First Mate's Report
- 30016 - Black Hand Shanty
- 30017 - Salaceo's Instructions
- 30018 - Hunter's Note - Shalebacks
- 30019 - Priest's Journal
- 30020 - Hunter's Note - Hyenas
- 30021 - Hunter's Note - Imps
- 30022 - Hunter's Note - Crocodiles
- 30023 - Mercenary's Diary Page
- 30024 - Waterstained Note
- 41032 - Sealed Waterskin
- 53001 - Aloe Extract
- 53011 - Violet Cureall
- 53101 - Yellow Lotus Potion
- 53201 - Reaper Poison
- 53202 - XX_Demon's Bane
- 53501 - Purified Flesh
- 53502 - Ambrosia
- 53503 - Set Antidote
- 53511 - Flinthead Bolts
- 53512 - Ironhead Bolts
- 53513 - Razor Bolts
- 53514 - Fire Bolts
- 53551 - Offering to Yog
- 53552 - Offering to Mitra
- 53553 - Offering to Set
- 53554 - Offering to Mitra
- 53611 - Flinthead Arrows
- 53612 - Ironhead Arrows
- 53613 - Razor Arrows
- 53614 - Fire Arrows
- 53651 - Snake Arrows
- 55001 - True Name of Set
- 55002 - True Name of Yog
- 55003 - True Name of Mitra
- 55100 - Manifestation of Zeal
- 60001 - Eyes of Hanuman
- 41031 - Improvised Torch
- 41033 - Torch
- 41034 - Hand Lantern
- 41050 - Lodestone
- 51001 - Stone Pick
- 51002 - Iron Pick
- 51003 - Steel Pick
- 51011 - Stone Hatchet
- 51012 - Iron Hatchet
- 51013 - Steel Hatchet
- 51021 - Pickaxe
- 51031 - Repair Hammer
- 51151 - Iron Warhammer
- 51152 - Stone Maul
- 51153 - Sledge of Tsotha-lanti
- 51301 - Stone Club
- 51302 - Yoggite Cudgel
- 51303 - Truncheon
- 51304 - Mitraen Ankh
- 51401 - Hunting Bow
- 51402 - Hyrkanian Bow
- 51403 - Exceptional Hunting Bow
- 51404 - Flawless Hunting Bow
- 51451 - Crossbow
- 51452 - Exceptional Crossbow
- 51453 - Flawless Crossbow
- 51600 - Wooden Shield
- 51601 - Bone Shield
- 51602 - Wooden Targe
- 51611 - Iron Targe
- 51621 - Steel Heater Shield
- 51622 - Lantern Shield
- 51623 - Ancient Shield
- 51624 - Stygian Shield
- 51625 - Setite Shield
- 51626 - Exceptional Steel Heater Shield
- 51627 - Flawless Steel Heater Shield
- 51711 - Iron Pike
- 51712 - Steel Trident
- 51721 - Steel Trident
- 51722 - Gavain's Rusty Pike
- 51801 - Stone Sword
- 51811 - Iron Broadsword
- 51812 - Stygian Khopesh
- 51813 - Ancient Khopesh
- 51814 - Exceptional Iron Broadsword
- 51815 - Flawless Iron Broadsword
- 51816 - Phoenix-engraved Sword
- 51817 - Serpent-stamped Khopesh
- 51818 - Exceptional Stygian Khopesh
- 51821 - Falcata
- 51822 - Cutlass
- 51823 - Exceptional Cutlass
- 51831 - Longsword
- 51832 - Dry Scraper
- 51833 - Darfari Axe
- 51834 - El's Drinker
- 51835 - Tulwar of Amir Khurum
- 51836 - Exceptional Longsword
- 51837 - Flawless Longsword
- 51850 - Darfari Cudgel
- 51851 - Cimmerian Battle-axe
- 51853 - Darfari Sword
- 51854 - Yog Cleaver
- 51855 - Yoggite Cudgel
- 51902 - Setite Ritual Knife
- 51911 - Javelin
- 51912 - Throwing Axe
- 51922 - Yoggite Bone Spear
- 51931 - Stygian Spear
- 51951 - Stone Dagger
- 51952 - Iron Poniard
- 51953 - Steel Poniard
- 51954 - Dagger of Nameless Days
- 51955 - Exceptional Iron Poniard
- 51956 - Flawless Iron Poniard
- 51961 - Fiber Bindings
- 51962 - Rawhide Bindings
- 51963 - Leather Bindings
- 51964 - Chain Bindings
- 51965 - Bindings of Dead Women?s Hair
Clothing Items
- 42001 - Hide
- 50001 - XX_Set Favor
- 50002 - XX_Yog Favor
- 50003 - XX_Mitra Favor
- 52001 - Light Turban
- 52002 - Light Chestpiece
- 52003 - Light Gauntlets
- 52004 - Light Wrap
- 52005 - Light Boots
- 52011 - Medium Cap
- 52012 - Medium Harness
- 52013 - Medium Gauntlets
- 52014 - Medium Tasset
- 52015 - Medium Boots
- 52021 - Heavy Helmet
- 52022 - Heavy Pauldron
- 52023 - Heavy Gauntlets
- 52024 - Heavy Tasset
- 52025 - Heavy Sabatons
- 52061 - XX_Stygian Headdress
- 52062 - XX_Stygian Vest
- 52064 - XX_Stygian Shendyt
- 52065 - XX_Stygian Sandals
- 52071 - Darfari Watcher Mask
- 52072 - Darfari Skin Chestpiece
- 52073 - Darfari Skin Bracers
- 52074 - Darfari Skin Skirt
- 52075 - Darfari Skin Greaves
- 52076 - Darfari Speaker Mask
- 52081 - Sandstorm Breathing Mask
- 52092 - Chest Wrap
- 52094 - Loin-cloth
- 52101 - Zamorian Dancer Headdress
- 52102 - Zamorian Dancer Blouse
- 52103 - Zamorian Dancer Bracelets
- 52104 - Zamorian Dancer Skirt
- 52105 - Zamorian Dancer Anklets
- 52111 - XX_Stygian Dancer Headdress
- 52112 - XX_Stygian Dancer Blouse
- 52113 - XX_Stygian Dancer Bracelets
- 52114 - XX_Stygian Dancer Skirt
- 52115 - XX_Stygian Dancer Anklets
- 52202 - Coarse Tunic
- 52203 - Coarse Handwraps
- 52204 - Coarse Leggings
- 52205 - Coarse Footwraps
- 52212 - Leather Apron
- 52213 - Leather Workgloves
- 52221 - Shemite Turban
- 52222 - Shemite Tunic
- 52224 - Shemite Leggings
- 52225 - Shemite Shoes
- 52301 - Exceptional Light Turban
- 52302 - Exceptional Light Chestpiece
- 52303 - Exceptional Light Gauntlets
- 52304 - Exceptional Light Wrap
- 52305 - Exceptional Light Boots
- 52401 - Flawless Light Turban
- 52402 - Flawless Light Chestpiece
- 52403 - Flawless Light Gauntlets
- 52404 - Flawless Light Wrap
- 52405 - Flawless Light Boots
- 52501 - Setite Mask
- 52502 - Setite Choker
- 52504 - Setite Shendyt
- 52505 - Setite Sandals
- 52511 - Yoggite Watcher Mask
- 52512 - Yoggite Skin Chestpiece
- 52513 - Yoggite Skin Bracers
- 52514 - Yoggite Skin Skirt
- 52515 - Yoggite Skin Greaves
- 52522 - Mitraen Tunic
- 52523 - Mitraen Gloves
- 52524 - Mitraen Breeches
- 52525 - Mitraen Shoes
- 52532 - Black Hand Vest
- 52534 - Black Hand Trousers
- 52541 - Relic Hunter Turban
- 52542 - Relic Hunter Shirt
- 52543 - Relic Hunter Gloves
- 52544 - Relic Hunter Trousers
- 52545 - Relic Hunter Boots
- 52551 - XX_Desert_Dogs_Helmet
- 52552 - XX_Desert_Dogs_Chestpiece
- 52553 - XX_Desert_Dogs_Gauntlets
- 52554 - XX_Desert_Dogs_Tasset
- 52555 - XX_Desert_Dogs_Boots
Building / Decorative / Crafting Benches
- 80101 - Bed
- 80102 - Bed - Folded
- 80103 - Bed - Stygian
- 80111 - Rawhide Bedroll
- 80112 - Fiber Bedroll
- 80121 - Sandstorm Tent
- 80131 - Water Well
- 80132 - Large Water Well
- 80151 - Training Dummy
- 80152 - Archery Target
- 80171 - Spike
- 80201 - Table
- 80202 - Table - Round
- 80210 - Simple Palisade
- 80211 - Wall Palisade
- 80251 - Square Stool
- 80252 - Round Stool
- 80253 - Woven Stool
- 80261 - Chair
- 80271 - Log Bench
- 80281 - Stone Throne
- 80301 - Wooden Signpost
- 80302 - Wall Sign
- 80311 - Papyrus Scroll
- 80501 - Standing Torch
- 80503 - Stygian Brazier
- 80511 - Bracketed Torch
- 80515 - Wall Lantern
- 80521 - Candle Stub
- 80522 - White Candle
- 80523 - Black Candle
- 80531 - Radium Gem
- 80551 - Tapestry
- 80561 - Wall Chains
- 80571 - Awning
- 80601 - Carpet
- 80621 - Hide Rug
- 80631 - Pillow
- 80651 - Earthenware Jug
- 80661 - Iron Pot
- 80662 - Mortarium
- 80663 - Iron Pan
- 80671 - Barrel
- 80672 - Wine Keg
- 80673 - Ale Keg
- 80695 - Shelf
- 80701 - Stygian Flag
- 80721 - Small Banner
- 80722 - Medium Banner
- 80723 - Large Banner
- 80733 - Large Banner
- 80751 - Gong
- 80752 - Horn
- 80753 - Darfari Wind Chimes
- 80851 - Wooden Box
- 80852 - Large Chest
- 80853 - Vault
- 80901 - Explosive Jar
- 80911 - Iron Leg-hold Trap
- 80912 - Spike Trap
- 80913 - Wooden Leg-hold Trap
- 80914 - Dust Trap
- 80951 - Sepulcher of Set
- 80952 - Altar of Set
- 80953 - Sanctum of Set
- 80961 - Pit of Yog
- 80962 - Rift of Yog
- 80963 - Abyss of Yog
- 80971 - Shrine of Mitra
- 80972 - Santuary of Mitra
- 80973 - Temple of Mitra
- 80975 - Statue of Refreshment
- 80976 - Statue of Guidance
- 81001 - White Rhino Head Trophy
- 81002 - Black Rhino Head Trophy
- 81003 - Rhino King Head Trophy
- 81004 - Grey Rhino Head Trophy
- 81005 - Gazelle Head Trophy
- 81006 - Kudo Head Trophy
- 81007 - Antelope Head Trophy
- 81008 - Rocknose Head Trophy
- 81009 - King Rocknose Head Trophy
- 82001 - White Rhino Head
- 82002 - Black Rhino Head
- 82003 - Rhino King Head
- 82004 - Grey Rhino Head
- 82005 - Gazelle Head
- 82006 - Kudu Head
- 82007 - Antelope Head
- 82008 - Rocknose Head
- 82009 - King Rocknose Head
- 88882 - Skull Rope
- 88883 - Fence - Stake
- 88884 - Bone Pile 1
- 88885 - Bone Pile 2
- 88887 - Stick Skull 1
- 88888 - Stick Skull 2
- 88889 - Stick Skull 4
- 88890 - Skeleton Skull 2
- 88891 - Skull High
- 89001 - Campfire
- 89010 - Bonfire
- 89101 - Furnace
- 89103 - Firebowl Cauldron
- 89104 - Tannery
- 89201 - Armorer's Bench
- 89301 - Blacksmith's Bench
- 89401 - Carpenter's Bench
- 89901 - Lashing Post (1 slot)
- 89911 - Lesser Wheel of Pain
- 89912 - Wheel of Pain
- 89913 - Greater Wheel of Pain
- 90001 - Sandstone Foundation
- 90002 - Sandstone Wall
- 90003 - Sandstone Ceiling
- 90004 - Sandstone DoorFrame
- 90005 - Sandstone Stairs
- 90006 - Sandstone Triangle
- 90007 - Sandstone Frame
- 90008 - Simple Wooden Door
- 90009 - Sandstone Pillar
- 90010 - Sandstone Fence
- 90011 - Sandstone Triangle Foundation
- 90013 - Thatch Sloped Roof
- 90014 - Thatch Wedge Sloped Roof
- 90015 - Left-sloping Sandstone Wall
- 90017 - Right-sloping Sandstone Wall
- 90018 - Inverted Thatch Wedge Sloped Roof
- 90019 - Sandstone Window
- 90020 - Sandstone Fence Foundation
- 90101 - Stonebrick Foundation
- 90102 - Stonebrick Wall
- 90103 - Stonebrick Ceiling
- 90104 - Stonebrick Doorframe
- 90105 - Stonebrick Stairs
- 90106 - Stonebrick Wedge
- 90107 - Stonebrick Frame
- 90108 - Reinforced Wooden Door
- 90109 - Stonebrick Piller
- 90110 - Stonebrick Fence
- 90111 - Stonebrick Wedge Foundation
- 90113 - Wooden Sloped Roof
- 90114 - Wooden Wedge Sloped Roof
- 90115 - Left-sloping Stonebrick Wall
- 90117 - Right-sloping Stonebrick Wall
- 90118 - Inverted Wooden Wedge Sloped Roof
- 90120 - Stonebrick Fence Foundation
- 90121 - Stonebrick Gateway
- 90122 - Stonebrick Gate
- 90201 - Reinforced Stone Foundation
- 90202 - Reinforced Stone Wall
- 90203 - Reinforced Stone Ceiling
- 90204 - Reinforced Stone Doorway
- 90205 - Reinforced Stone Stairs
- 90206 - Reinforced Stone Wedge
- 90207 - Reinforced Stone Frame
- 90208 - Heavy Reinforced Door
- 90209 - Reinforced Stone Pillar
- 90210 - Reinforced Stone Fence
- 90211 - Reinforced Stone Wedge Foundation
- 90213 - Tiled Sloped Roof
- 90214 - Tiled Wedge Sloped Roof
- 90215 - Left-sloping Reinforced Stone Wall
- 90217 - Right-sloping Reinforced Stone Wall
- 90218 - Inverted Tiled Wedge Sloped Roof
- 90219 - Heavy Reinforced Door
- 90220 - Reinforced Stone Fence Foundation
- 90221 - Reinforced Stone Gateway
- 90222 - Reinforced Stone Gateway
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This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the same title. If an internal link referred you here, you may wish to change the link to point directly to the intended article. |
Conan Exiles Use An Explosive
This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the same title. If an internal link referred you here, you may wish to change the link to point directly to the intended article.
Arrows are a type of projectile capable of being used in bows.
Comprehesive table with stats is available under Ranged - Projectiles on the Weapon page.
Conan Exiles Exploding Arrows
List of arrows[edit | edit source]
Conan Exiles Explosive Arrows Building Dmg Download
- Abysmal Arrow
- Acid Arrow
- Ancient Arrow
- Blunted Arrow
- Bone Arrow
- Dragonbone Arrow
- Explosive Arrow
- Firespark Arrow
- Flinthead Arrow
- Hardened Steel Arrow
- Healing Arrow
- Hollowbone Arrow
- Ice Shard Arrow
- Ironhead Arrow
- Ivory Arrow
- Light Arrow
- Obsidian Arrow
- Oil Arrow
- Poison Arrow
- Quivering Arrow
- Razor Arrow
- Serpent-man Arrow
- Smoke Arrow
- Snake Arrow
- Star Metal Arrow
- Steel Arrow
Conan Exiles Explosive Arrows Building Damage
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